Secondary school #1 (Leningrad region), work executed: a complete substitution of the sewerage in the cellar
Music school for children #8 (St. Petersburg), work executed: erection of the heating, cold and hot watter supply, sewerage, installation of a joint of registration of cold water, installation of a joint of registration of heat supply, cutting-in of a pipeline with a heat chamber into the municipal piping system
Nursery school #44 (Leningrad region), work executed: redecoration of the accommodation
Nursery school # 3 (Leningrad region), work executed: substitution of the heating system
Nursery school #30 (Leningrad region), work executed: revetment of the floor and the walls with paving tile
Nursery school #17 (Leningrad region), work executed: installation of sanitary engineerings, substitution of the plumbing, installation of floor and walls files, installation of plastic windows, substitution of wiring details
Nursery school #29 (Leningrad region),work executed: major repairs of the toilet rooms
Nursery school #15 (Leningrad region), work executed: substitution of the plumbing of the cold and hot water system with installation of devices
Nursery school #39 (Leningrad region), work executed: major repairs of the toilet rooms; a complete substitution of the cold water system in the building
Nursery school #6 (Leningrad region), work executed: substitution of the cold water system and the plumbing
Nursery school #55 (Leningrad region), work executed: substitution of the sewerage in the cellar; major repairs of the toilet rooms; modernization of the cold water system; substitution of the cold water system; substitution of the plumbing fixtures in the toilet rooms; substitute of the kitchen fitting
Nursery school #19 (Leningrad region), work executed: OSB board flooring with subsequent linoleum flooring; substitution of the heating system; repairs of the toilet rooms; installation of the kitchen fitting
Nursery school #27 (Leningrad region), work executed: a complete substitute of the sewerage in the cellar; substitute of the devices in the toilet rooms, substitute of the cold water system and the hot water system; substitute of the heating system
Secondary school of general education #1 (Leningrad region), work executed: substitute of the cold water system, the hot water system and the sewerage; installation of the kitchen fitting; chipboard flooring with subsequent linoleum flooring details
Secondary school of general education (Leningrad region), work executed: substitute of the cold water system, substitute of the plumbing fixture in the toilet rooms; installation of the kitchen fitting
Art school for children (Leningrad region), work executed: substitute of the heating system